• Hello Beauties

    A little morning inspiration from my backyard....no filter it's that spectacular!

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  • Jennifer MacDowell HC

    Holistic Medicine Woman, Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach, Certified Bioenergetic Practitioner,

    Founder Emotional Memory Release


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    Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself

    And tell you a little of my why

    I'm Jennifer and began my official practice as a Certified Holistic Health Coach specializing in Digestive Distress and Food Sensitivities. I've spent most of my career in the natural products arena. In the mid 90's I started Creeping Jenny, Alternative Products for Pets and People. We manufactered chemical-free, environmentally friendly and organic cat and dog toys, hemp collars and leashes, organic cotton futons for pets, organic cotton baby blankets and reusable shopping and produce bags. I knew back then we were heading for trouble with all the chemicals, plastics and toxicities that were in everything. I worked closely with Whole Foods Markets (before they owned every natural products store) and helped to develop their natural pet products department. It was an exciting time! Trader Joe's became the first national chain to pick up my cats toys and my business was make great strides in opening people up to the idea of chemical-free and organic products for animals.


    At the height of this success I became unwell to the point I closed my business. It took years of not knowing why I was so sick and the story is complicate but finally in 2007 I had some answers where emergency surgery was the only option. I realized that had I not done my own research I wouldn't be here today. And this is part of what lead me to change careers and become a health coach and help others find a way to fix their problems before they start removing organs!!!!

    My Life Got Messy, My Heart Broken And I Became Discouraged With My Practice

    These moments are opportunities disguised as loss and are presented for us to stop and look into our life

    Years later after my health coaching practice was doing well I felt I needed something more to give my clients. I was in an unfamiliar place; my daughter moved away, my husband didn't want to be married anymore and quite frankly, I was tired of seeing my clients get healthy and then self-sabotage only to begin their path to health again or not. I was burnt out and looking for answers. I closed my practice for 6 months as I decided it was my turn for self-care and lightening my load. I fell into my true calling simply by working on my life.



    Like You I Was Searching For Answers

    Hoping I would be guided to what was needed in my moment of not knowing

    This was a pivotal time and in my searching and experimenting I created Emotional Memory Release (EMR), Limbic System Therapy and found NES Health. These two components allowed me to incorporate different ways to help work through physical and emotional components of why our bodies were tired and toxic.


    My first bioenergetic scan was a weepy one, it exposed my heartache that I tried so hard to bury, a few injuries and also validated how tired my physical body was. I had a big release from the miHealth treatment and from the infoceutical drops that compliment the scan reading. Lots of weeping, sleeping and lots of deep introspection with emotion that surfaced from deep inside. I used the EMR Therapy in addition to help my emotional toxicities work their way out of my brain and support me during this big detoxification of my life!


    The second scan was easier, also accompanied with a new miHealth treatment and infoceutical drops. More tears, more naps and releasing of more emotion. This time I looked forward to feeling everything because I was lighter, happier and stronger. Again another EMR to help release and lighten.

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    When I was ready for the third scan my world began shifting and on round three of infoceutical drops I had major moments of feeling like myself, it was a deep remembering and connection as if I fell back into myself. My energy was back most days, and I was falling in love with who I was becoming. Right........ it all sounds a bit much but I tell you this amazing beautiful NES, plus EMR and focused nutrition, changed my life completely. It was the first time that I put my needs as the priority and have been thankful everyday since.

  • EMR + Nutrition + NES Bioenergetics = Trifecta!

    Three is a number that resonates with me and that number seems to work well with healing modalities in my life

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    As I came out of my 6-month hermitage I had a completely new outlook. My health was amazing, my emotional baggage was lifting and surprising things were happening each day. While focusing on me for the first time in probably 28 years, I found that there was a noticeable shift with how people were gravitating towards me with newfound interest. I wasn't trying to grow my business it happened without doing too much. My energy shifted and lightened and now each day was fresh and exciting and full of possibility. My marriage fixed itself, my daughter was living her own life and adding EMR and NES became the two new elements I needed to give my nutrition practice a well-rounded approach for deep lasting results.


    Since I created a practice for the emotional, physical and spiritual body (another trifecta) the shift in my clients has been powerful. I believe in orderd to release and re-emerge healthier, grounded and soulful there is work that needs to be done. The combination of the three services that I provide I use regularly. I scan and take the infoceuticals, have regualar EMR sessions and use the oils and work on my nutrition daily because from now until we die, we will always need to keep ourselves healthy, happy and youthful.